Repeats of Shahr in Quran

Quran, Chapter 9, Verse 36:

" the number of months in the sight of allah is twelve"

The Arabic world "Shahr" which means month, is repeated 12 times in its single form in Quran.This word is also repeated in its plural form in other verses of Quran. These 12 occurrences are listed here:

Chapter 2, Verse 185, two time

Chapter 2, Verse 194, two time

Chapter 2, Verse 217, one time

Chapter 5, Verse 2, one time

Chapter 5, Verse 97, one time

Chapter 9, Verse 36, one time

Chapter 34, Verse 12, two time

Chapter 46, Verse 15, one time

Chapter 97, Verse 3, one time

This word is  repeated in its plural form in the following verses:

"Ashhara" (months) in 2:197, 2:226, 2:234, 9:2, 9:5, 65:4

"Shohoor" (months) in 9:36

"Shahrain" (two months) in 4:92, 58:4