Sura 69: AL-HAAQQA (THE REALITY) - Juz' 29 - Translation Pickthall

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
الْحَاقَّةُ ﴿۱﴾
The Reality! (1)
مَا الْحَاقَّةُ ﴿۲﴾
What is the Reality? (2)
وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا الْحَاقَّةُ ﴿۳﴾
Ah, what will convey unto thee what the reality is! (3)
كَذَّبَتْ ثَمُودُ وَعَادٌ بِالْقَارِعَةِ ﴿۴﴾
(The tribes of) Thamud and A'ad disbelieved in the judgment to come. (4)
فَأَمَّا ثَمُودُ فَأُهْلِكُوا بِالطَّاغِيَةِ ﴿۵﴾
As for Thamud, they were destroyed by the lightning. (5)
وَأَمَّا عَادٌ فَأُهْلِكُوا بِرِيحٍ صَرْصَرٍ عَاتِيَةٍ ﴿۶﴾
And as for A'ad, they were destroyed by a fierce roaring wind, (6)
سَخَّرَهَا عَلَيْهِمْ سَبْعَ لَيَالٍ وَثَمَانِيَةَ أَيَّامٍ حُسُومًا فَتَرَى الْقَوْمَ فِيهَا صَرْعَى كَأَنَّهُمْ أَعْجَازُ نَخْلٍ خَاوِيَةٍ ﴿۷﴾
Which He imposed on them for seven long nights and eight long days so that thou mightest have seen men lying overthrown, as they were hollow trunks of palm-trees. (7)
فَهَلْ تَرَى لَهُمْ مِنْ بَاقِيَةٍ ﴿۸﴾
Canst thou (O Muhammad) see any remnant of them? (8)
وَجَاءَ فِرْعَوْنُ وَمَنْ قَبْلَهُ وَالْمُؤْتَفِكَاتُ بِالْخَاطِئَةِ ﴿۹﴾
And Pharaoh and those before him, and the communities that were destroyed, brought error, (9)
فَعَصَوْا رَسُولَ رَبِّهِمْ فَأَخَذَهُمْ أَخْذَةً رَابِيَةً ﴿۱۰﴾
And they disobeyed the messenger of their Lord, therefor did He grip them with a tightening grip. (10)