بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
تَبَارَكَ الَّذِي نَزَّلَ الْفُرْقَانَ عَلَى عَبْدِهِ لِيَكُونَ لِلْعَالَمِينَ نَذِيرًا
Qarib: Blessed is He who has sent down the Criterion to His worshiper (Prophet Muhammad), that he is a warner to all mankind;
Sarwar: Blessed is He who has revealed the criteria (for discerning truth from falsehood) to His servant so that He could warn mankind. Shakir: Blessed is He Who sent down the Furqan upon His servant that he may be a warner to the nations; Pickthall: Blessed is He Who hath revealed unto His slave the Criterion (of right and wrong), that he may be a warner to the peoples. Yusufali: Blessed is He who sent down the criterion to His servant, that it may be an admonition to all creatures;-
الَّذِي لَهُ مُلْكُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَلَمْ يَتَّخِذْ وَلَدًا وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُ شَرِيكٌ فِي الْمُلْكِ وَخَلَقَ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ فَقَدَّرَهُ تَقْدِيرًا
Qarib: to whom the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs, who has not taken a son, nor does He have an associate in the Kingdom, and He created everything, then He ordained it very precisely.
Sarwar: To Him belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He has not begotten any sons, nor does He have any partner in His kingdom. He has created all things with precisely accurate planning. Shakir: He, Whose is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and Who did not take to Himself a son, and Who has no associate in the kingdom, and Who created everything, then ordained for it a measure Pickthall: He unto Whom belongeth the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, He hath chosen no son nor hath He any partner in the Sovereignty. He hath created everything and hath meted out for it a measure. Yusufali: He to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth: no son has He begotten, nor has He a partner in His dominion: it is He who created all things, and ordered them in due proportions.
وَاتَّخَذُوا مِنْ دُونِهِ آلِهَةً لَا يَخْلُقُونَ شَيْئًا وَهُمْ يُخْلَقُونَ وَلَا يَمْلِكُونَ لِأَنْفُسِهِمْ ضَرًّا وَلَا نَفْعًا وَلَا يَمْلِكُونَ مَوْتًا وَلَا حَيَاةً وَلَا نُشُورًا
Qarib: Yet they worship, other than Him, gods which cannot create anything and were themselves created. They own neither harm nor benefit for themselves, neither do they own death nor life, nor a resurrection.
Sarwar: Yet they have chosen for themselves other deities besides Him, who do not create anything but rather are themselves created, who have no power over their own benefits, or trouble, and who have no control over life, death, and resurrection. Shakir: And they have taken besides Him gods, who do not create anything while they are themselves created, and they control not for themselves any harm or profit, and they control not death nor life, nor raising (the dead) to life Pickthall: Yet they choose beside Him other gods who create naught but are themselves created, and possess not hurt nor profit for themselves, and possess not death nor life, nor power to raise the dead. Yusufali: Yet have they taken, besides him, gods that can create nothing but are themselves created; that have no control of hurt or good to themselves; nor can they control death nor life nor resurrection.
وَقَالَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا إِنْ هَذَا إِلَّا إِفْكٌ افْتَرَاهُ وَأَعَانَهُ عَلَيْهِ قَوْمٌ آخَرُونَ فَقَدْ جَاءُوا ظُلْمًا وَزُورًا
Qarib: The unbelievers say: 'This is but a falsehood he has forged ? another nation has helped him. ' So they have come with wrong and falsehood.
Sarwar: The unbelievers say, "This (Quran) is no more than a slanderous statement which he (Muhammad), with the help of some other people, has falsely invented." Certainly, this statement is unjust and sinful. Shakir: And those who disbelieve say: This is nothing but a lie which he has forged, and other people have helped him at it; so indeed they have done injustice and (uttered) a falsehood Pickthall: Those who disbelieve say: This is naught but a lie that he hath invented, and other folk have helped him with it, so that they have produced a slander and a lie. Yusufali: But the misbelievers say: "Naught is this but a lie which he has forged, and others have helped him at it." In truth it is they who have put forward an iniquity and a falsehood.
وَقَالُوا أَسَاطِيرُ الْأَوَّلِينَ اكْتَتَبَهَا فَهِيَ تُمْلَى عَلَيْهِ بُكْرَةً وَأَصِيلًا
Qarib: They say: 'He has written tales of the ancients, they are recited to him at dawn and at the evening. '
Sarwar: They have also said, "It, (the Quran), is only ancient legends, which were written down while they were dictated to him in the mornings and the evenings". Shakir: And they say: The stories of the ancients-- he has got them written-- so these are read out to him morning and evening Pickthall: And they say: Fables of the men of old which he hath had written down so that they are dictated to him morn and evening. Yusufali: And they say: "Tales of the ancients, which he has caused to be written: and they are dictated before him morning and evening."
قُلْ أَنْزَلَهُ الَّذِي يَعْلَمُ السِّرَّ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ إِنَّهُ كَانَ غَفُورًا رَحِيمًا
Qarib: Say: 'It was sent down by Him who knows the secrets of heavens and earth. He is Forgiving, the Most Merciful.
Sarwar: (Muhammad), tell them, "The One who knows all the secrets of the heavens and the earth has revealed it; He is All-forgiving and All-merciful." Shakir: Say: He has revealed it Who knows the secret in the heavens and the earth; surely He is ever Forgiving, Merciful Pickthall: Say (unto them, O Muhammad): He who knoweth the secret of the heavens and the earth hath revealed it. Lo! He ever is Forgiving, Merciful. Yusufali: Say: "The (Qur'an) was sent down by Him who knows the mystery (that is) in the heavens and the earth: verily He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."
وَقَالُوا مَالِ هَذَا الرَّسُولِ يَأْكُلُ الطَّعَامَ وَيَمْشِي فِي الْأَسْوَاقِ لَوْلَا أُنْزِلَ إِلَيْهِ مَلَكٌ فَيَكُونَ مَعَهُ نَذِيرًا
Qarib: They also say: 'How is it that this Messenger eats food and walks about the markets? Why has no angel been sent down with him to warn us?
Sarwar: They say, "Why does this Messenger eat food, and walk in the streets? Why has not an angel been sent to him so that they could preach the message together? Shakir: And they say: What is the matter with this Messenger that he eats food and goes about in the markets; why has not an angel been sent down to him, so that he should have been a warner with him? Pickthall: And they say: What aileth this messenger (of Allah) that he eateth food and walketh in the markets? Why is not an angel sent down unto him, to be a warner with him. Yusufali: And they say: "What sort of a messenger is this, who eats food, and walks through the streets? Why has not an angel been sent down to him to give admonition with him?
أَوْ يُلْقَى إِلَيْهِ كَنْزٌ أَوْ تَكُونُ لَهُ جَنَّةٌ يَأْكُلُ مِنْهَا وَقَالَ الظَّالِمُونَ إِنْ تَتَّبِعُونَ إِلَّا رَجُلًا مَسْحُورًا
Qarib: Or, why has no treasure been thrown to him, or a garden for him to eat from? ' And the harmdoers say: 'The man you follow is surely bewitched. '
Sarwar: Why has a treasure not been laid out for him or a garden from which he could eat been given to him." The unjust ones say, "You are merely following a bewitched person". Shakir: Or (why is not) a treasure sent down to him, or he is made to have a garden from which he should eat? And the unjust say: You do not follow any but a man deprived of reason Pickthall: Or (why is not) treasure thrown down unto him, or why hath he not a paradise from whence to eat? And the evil-doers say: Ye are but following a man bewitched. Yusufali: "Or (Why) has not a treasure been bestowed on him, or why has he (not) a garden for enjoyment?" The wicked say: "Ye follow none other than a man bewitched."
انْظُرْ كَيْفَ ضَرَبُوا لَكَ الْأَمْثَالَ فَضَلُّوا فَلَا يَسْتَطِيعُونَ سَبِيلًا
Qarib: See how they strike examples for you, surely they have gone astray and are unable to find a way.
Sarwar: Look at their various views about you! They have gone astray and are not able to find the right path. Shakir: See what likenesses do they apply to you, so they have gone astray, therefore they shall not be able to find a way Pickthall: See how they coin similitudes for thee, so that they are all astray and cannot find a road! Yusufali: See what kinds of comparisons they make for thee! But they have gone astray, and never a way will they be able to find!
تَبَارَكَ الَّذِي إِنْ شَاءَ جَعَلَ لَكَ خَيْرًا مِنْ ذَلِكَ جَنَّاتٍ تَجْرِي مِنْ تَحْتِهَا الْأَنْهَارُ وَيَجْعَلْ لَكَ قُصُورًا
Qarib: Blessed be He who, if He wills, can assign you better things than these; gardens underneath which rivers flow, and He shall assign for you palaces.
Sarwar: Blessed is He who could give you palaces and gardens wherein streams would flow, far better than what they want you to have. Shakir: Blessed is He Who, if He please, will give you what is better than this, gardens beneath which rivers flow, and He will give you palaces Pickthall: Blessed is He Who, if He will, will assign thee better than (all) that - Gardens underneath which rivers flow - and will assign thee mansions. Yusufali: Blessed is He who, if that were His will, could give thee better (things) than those,- Gardens beneath which rivers flow; and He could give thee palaces (secure to dwell in). |