سوره 77: المرسلات - جزء 29

فَجَعَلْنَاهُ فِي قَرَارٍ مَكِينٍ ﴿۲۱﴾
Qarib: which We placed within a sure lodging
Sarwar: and place it in a secure place
Shakir: Then We placed it in a secure resting-place,
Pickthall: Which We laid up in a safe abode
Yusufali: The which We placed in a place of rest, firmly fixed,
إِلَى قَدَرٍ مَعْلُومٍ ﴿۲۲﴾
Qarib: for an appointed term?
Sarwar: for an appointed time?
Shakir: Till an appointed term,
Pickthall: For a known term?
Yusufali: For a period (of gestation), determined (according to need)?
فَقَدَرْنَا فَنِعْمَ الْقَادِرُونَ ﴿۲۳﴾
Qarib: We determined, how excellent a Determiner are We!
Sarwar: Thus did We Plan and how excellent is Our planning!
Shakir: So We proportion it-- how well are We at proportioning (things)
Pickthall: Thus We arranged. How excellent is Our arranging!
Yusufali: For We do determine (according to need); for We are the best to determine (things).
وَيْلٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِلْمُكَذِّبِينَ ﴿۲۴﴾
Qarib: Woe on that Day to those who belied it!
Sarwar: On that day, woe would be upon those who have rejected the revelations of God!
Shakir: Woe on that day to the rejecters
Pickthall: Woe unto the repudiators on that day!
Yusufali: Ah woe, that Day! to the Rejecters of Truth!
أَلَمْ نَجْعَلِ الْأَرْضَ كِفَاتًا ﴿۲۵﴾
Qarib: Have We not made the earth a housing
Sarwar: Did We not make the earth as a gathering place
Shakir: Have We not made the earth to draw together to itself,
Pickthall: Have We not made the earth a receptacle
Yusufali: Have We not made the earth (as a place) to draw together.
أَحْيَاءً وَأَمْوَاتًا ﴿۲۶﴾
Qarib: for both the living and the dead?
Sarwar: for the living and the dead,
Shakir: The living and the dead,
Pickthall: Both for the living and the dead,
Yusufali: The living and the dead,
وَجَعَلْنَا فِيهَا رَوَاسِيَ شَامِخَاتٍ وَأَسْقَيْنَاكُمْ مَاءً فُرَاتًا ﴿۲۷﴾
Qarib: Have We not placed high mountains upon it and filled you with sweet water?
Sarwar: place on it high mountains and provide you with fresh water?
Shakir: And made therein lofty mountains, and given you to drink of sweet water?
Pickthall: And placed therein high mountains and given you to drink sweet water therein?
Yusufali: And made therein mountains standing firm, lofty (in stature); and provided for you water sweet (and wholesome)?
وَيْلٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِلْمُكَذِّبِينَ ﴿۲۸﴾
Qarib: Woe on that Day to those who belied it!
Sarwar: On that Day (of Judgment) woe would be upon those who have rejected God's revelations!
Shakir: Woe on that day to the rejecters
Pickthall: Woe unto the repudiators on that day!
Yusufali: Ah woe, that Day, to the Rejecters of Truth!
انْطَلِقُوا إِلَى مَا كُنْتُمْ بِهِ تُكَذِّبُونَ ﴿۲۹﴾
Qarib: Depart to that which you belied!
Sarwar: Proceed to that (the Day of Judgment) which you have rejected.
Shakir: Walk on to that which you called a lie
Pickthall: (It will be said unto them:) Depart unto that (doom) which ye used to deny;
Yusufali: (It will be said:) "Depart ye to that which ye used to reject as false!
انْطَلِقُوا إِلَى ظِلٍّ ذِي ثَلَاثِ شُعَبٍ ﴿۳۰﴾
Qarib: Depart into the shadow of three masses,
Sarwar: Proceed to that shadow, rising in three columns
Shakir: Walk on to the covering having three branches,
Pickthall: Depart unto the shadow falling threefold,
Yusufali: "Depart ye to a Shadow (of smoke ascending) in three columns,