سوره 12: يوسف - جزء 12

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
به نام خداوند رحمتگر مهربان
الر تِلْكَ آيَاتُ الْكِتَابِ الْمُبِينِ ﴿۱﴾
Qarib: AlifLaamRa. Those are the verses of the Clear Book.
Sarwar: Alif. Lam. Ra. These are the verses of the illustrious Book.
Shakir: Alif Lam Ra. These are the verses of the Book that makes (things) manifest
Pickthall: Alif. Lam. Ra. These are verse of the Scripture that maketh plain.
Yusufali: A.L.R. These are the symbols (or Verses) of the perspicuous Book.
إِنَّا أَنْزَلْنَاهُ قُرْآنًا عَرَبِيًّا لَعَلَّكُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ ﴿۲﴾
Qarib: We have sent it down, an Arabic Koran, in order that you understand.
Sarwar: We have revealed it in the Arabic language so that you (people) would understand it.
Shakir: Surely We have revealed it-- an Arabic Quran-- that you may understand
Pickthall: Lo! We have revealed it, a Lecture in Arabic, that ye may understand.
Yusufali: We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an, in order that ye may learn wisdom.
نَحْنُ نَقُصُّ عَلَيْكَ أَحْسَنَ الْقَصَصِ بِمَا أَوْحَيْنَا إِلَيْكَ هَذَا الْقُرْآنَ وَإِنْ كُنْتَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِ لَمِنَ الْغَافِلِينَ ﴿۳﴾
Qarib: In the sending down of this Koran, We will narrate to you (Prophet Muhammad) the best of narratives, of which you were previously unaware.
Sarwar: In revealing this Quran to you, We tell you the best of the stories of which you were unaware.
Shakir: We narrate to you the best of narratives, by Our revealing to you this Quran, though before this you were certainly one of those who did not know
Pickthall: We narrate unto thee (Muhammad) the best of narratives in that We have inspired in thee this Qur'an, though aforetime thou wast of the heedless.
Yusufali: We do relate unto thee the most beautiful of stories, in that We reveal to thee this (portion of the) Qur'an: before this, thou too was among those who knew it not.
إِذْ قَالَ يُوسُفُ لِأَبِيهِ يَا أَبَتِ إِنِّي رَأَيْتُ أَحَدَ عَشَرَ كَوْكَبًا وَالشَّمْسَ وَالْقَمَرَ رَأَيْتُهُمْ لِي سَاجِدِينَ ﴿۴﴾
Qarib: When Joseph said to his father: 'Father, I saw eleven planets, and the sun and the moon; I saw them prostrating themselves before me. '
Sarwar: When Joseph said, "Father, in my dream I saw eleven stars, the sun and the moon prostrating before me,"
Shakir: When Yusuf said to his father: O my father! surely I saw eleven stars and the sun and the moon-- I saw them making obeisance to me
Pickthall: When Joseph said unto his father: O my father! Lo! I saw in a dream eleven planets and the sun and the moon, I saw them prostrating themselves unto me.
Yusufali: Behold! Joseph said to his father: "O my father! I did see eleven stars and the sun and the moon: I saw them prostrate themselves to me!"
قَالَ يَا بُنَيَّ لَا تَقْصُصْ رُؤْيَاكَ عَلَى إِخْوَتِكَ فَيَكِيدُوا لَكَ كَيْدًا إِنَّ الشَّيْطَانَ لِلْإِنْسَانِ عَدُوٌّ مُبِينٌ ﴿۵﴾
Qarib: He said: 'O my son, say nothing of this vision to your brothers lest they should cunningly plot against you indeed, satan is the clear enemy of the human,
Sarwar: his father said, "My son, do not tell your dream to your brothers lest they plot against you; satan is the sworn enemy of man.
Shakir: He said: O my son! do not relate your vision to your brothers, lest they devise a plan against you; surely the Shaitan is an open enemy to man
Pickthall: He said: O my dear son! Tell not thy brethren of thy vision, lest they plot a plot against thee. Lo! Satan is for man an open foe.
Yusufali: Said (the father): "My (dear) little son! relate not thy vision to thy brothers, lest they concoct a plot against thee: for Satan is to man an avowed enemy!
وَكَذَلِكَ يَجْتَبِيكَ رَبُّكَ وَيُعَلِّمُكَ مِنْ تَأْوِيلِ الْأَحَادِيثِ وَيُتِمُّ نِعْمَتَهُ عَلَيْكَ وَعَلَى آلِ يَعْقُوبَ كَمَا أَتَمَّهَا عَلَى أَبَوَيْكَ مِنْ قَبْلُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَإِسْحَاقَ إِنَّ رَبَّكَ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ ﴿۶﴾
Qarib: so your Lord will choose you and teach you the interpretation of visions, and perfect His Favor upon you and upon the House of Jacob, as He perfected it on your fathers Abraham and Isaac before you. Your Lord is Knowing, Wise.
Sarwar: Thus, your Lord will select you, teach you the interpretation of dreams, and grant His favors to you and the family of Jacob, just as He granted His favors to your fathers, Abraham and Isaac. Your Lord is certainly All-knowing and All-wise."
Shakir: And thus will your Lord choose you and teach you the interpretation of sayings and make His favor complete to you and to the children of Yaqoub, as He made it complete before to your fathers, Ibrahim and Ishaq; surely your Lord is Knowing, Wise
Pickthall: Thus thy Lord will prefer thee and will teach thee the interpretation of events, and will perfect His grace upon thee and upon the family of Jacob as He perfected it upon thy forefathers, Abraham and Isaac. Lo! thy Lord is Knower, Wise.
Yusufali: "Thus will thy Lord choose thee and teach thee the interpretation of stories (and events) and perfect His favour to thee and to the posterity of Jacob - even as He perfected it to thy fathers Abraham and Isaac aforetime! for Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom."
لَقَدْ كَانَ فِي يُوسُفَ وَإِخْوَتِهِ آيَاتٌ لِلسَّائِلِينَ ﴿۷﴾
Qarib: Indeed, in Joseph and his brothers there were signs for those who inquire.
Sarwar: In the story of Joseph and his brothers, there is evidence (of the truth) for those who seek to know.
Shakir: Certainly in Yusuf and his brothers there are signs for the inquirers
Pickthall: Verily in Joseph and his brethren are signs (of Allah's Sovereignty) for the inquiring.
Yusufali: Verily in Joseph and his brethren are signs (or symbols) for seekers (after Truth).
إِذْ قَالُوا لَيُوسُفُ وَأَخُوهُ أَحَبُّ إِلَى أَبِينَا مِنَّا وَنَحْنُ عُصْبَةٌ إِنَّ أَبَانَا لَفِي ضَلَالٍ مُبِينٍ ﴿۸﴾
Qarib: They said: 'Joseph and his brother are dearer to our father than ourselves, even though we are many. Truly, our father is obviously wrong.
Sarwar: Joseph's brothers said to one another, "There is no doubt that Joseph and his brother are more loved by our father, even though we are all his offspring. He (our father) is certainly in manifest error."
Shakir: When they said: Certainly Yusuf and his brother are dearer to our father than we, though we are a (stronger) company; most surely our father is in manifest error:
Pickthall: When they said: Verily Joseph and his brother are dearer to our father than we are, many though we be. Lo! our father is in plain aberration.
Yusufali: They said: "Truly Joseph and his brother are loved more by our father than we: But we are a goodly body! really our father is obviously wandering (in his mind)!
اقْتُلُوا يُوسُفَ أَوِ اطْرَحُوهُ أَرْضًا يَخْلُ لَكُمْ وَجْهُ أَبِيكُمْ وَتَكُونُوا مِنْ بَعْدِهِ قَوْمًا صَالِحِينَ ﴿۹﴾
Qarib: (Let us) kill Joseph, or cast him away in some (far off) land, so that your father's face will be left for you, and afterwards you will be a righteous nation. '
Sarwar: Some of them suggested, "Let us kill Joseph or leave him somewhere far away from the presence of our father. Only then shall we receive equal treatment and thereafter can become righteous people".
Shakir: Slay Yusuf or cast him (forth) into some land, so that your father's regard may be exclusively for you, and after that you may be a righteous people
Pickthall: (One said): Kill Joseph or cast him to some (other) land, so that your father's favour may be all for you, and (that) ye may afterward be righteous folk.
Yusufali: "Slay ye Joseph or cast him out to some (unknown) land, that so the favour of your father may be given to you alone: (there will be time enough) for you to be righteous after that!"
قَالَ قَائِلٌ مِنْهُمْ لَا تَقْتُلُوا يُوسُفَ وَأَلْقُوهُ فِي غَيَابَتِ الْجُبِّ يَلْتَقِطْهُ بَعْضُ السَّيَّارَةِ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ فَاعِلِينَ ﴿۱۰﴾
Qarib: One of them said: 'No, do not kill Joseph, if you do anything, cast him into a dark pit, a traveler will pick him up. '
Sarwar: One of them said, "Do not kill Joseph, but if you must, throw him into a dark well so that perhaps some caravan will take him away."
Shakir: A speaker from among them said: Do not slay Yusuf, and cast him down into the bottom of the pit if you must do (it), (so that) some of the travellers may pick him up
Pickthall: One among them said: Kill not Joseph but, if ye must be doing, fling him into the depth of the pit; some caravan will find him.
Yusufali: Said one of them: "Slay not Joseph, but if ye must do something, throw him down to the bottom of the well: he will be picked up by some caravan of travellers."