كَلَّا لَا وَزَرَ
Alas! No refuge! (۱۱)
إِلَى رَبِّكَ يَوْمَئِذٍ الْمُسْتَقَرُّ
Unto thy Lord is the recourse that day. (۱۲)
يُنَبَّأُ الْإِنْسَانُ يَوْمَئِذٍ بِمَا قَدَّمَ وَأَخَّرَ
On that day man is told the tale of that which he hath sent before and left behind. (۱۳)
بَلِ الْإِنْسَانُ عَلَى نَفْسِهِ بَصِيرَةٌ
Oh, but man is a telling witness against himself, (۱۴)
وَلَوْ أَلْقَى مَعَاذِيرَهُ
Although he tender his excuses. (۱۵)
لَا تُحَرِّكْ بِهِ لِسَانَكَ لِتَعْجَلَ بِهِ
Stir not thy tongue herewith to hasten it. (۱۶)
إِنَّ عَلَيْنَا جَمْعَهُ وَقُرْآنَهُ
Lo! upon Us (resteth) the putting together thereof and the reading thereof. (۱۷)
فَإِذَا قَرَأْنَاهُ فَاتَّبِعْ قُرْآنَهُ
And when We read it, follow thou the reading; (۱۸)
ثُمَّ إِنَّ عَلَيْنَا بَيَانَهُ
Then lo! upon Us (resteth) the explanation thereof. (۱۹)
كَلَّا بَلْ تُحِبُّونَ الْعَاجِلَةَ
Nay, but ye do love the fleeting Now (۲۰)