مُتَّكِئِينَ فِيهَا يَدْعُونَ فِيهَا بِفَاكِهَةٍ كَثِيرَةٍ وَشَرَابٍ
in which they will recline, and call for abundant fruit and drink therein. (۵۱)
وَعِنْدَهُمْ قَاصِرَاتُ الطَّرْفِ أَتْرَابٌ
And with them will be maidens of equal age with modest gaze. (۵۲)
هَذَا مَا تُوعَدُونَ لِيَوْمِ الْحِسَابِ
'This is what you are promised on the Day of Recompense, (۵۳)
إِنَّ هَذَا لَرِزْقُنَا مَا لَهُ مِنْ نَفَادٍ
this is Our unending provision. ' (۵۴)
هَذَا وَإِنَّ لِلطَّاغِينَ لَشَرَّ مَآبٍ
All of this; but, for the proud there is an ill return. (۵۵)
جَهَنَّمَ يَصْلَوْنَهَا فَبِئْسَ الْمِهَادُ
They shall roast in (the Fire) of Gehenna, an evil cradling. (۵۶)
هَذَا فَلْيَذُوقُوهُ حَمِيمٌ وَغَسَّاقٌ
All of this; so let them taste it, boiling water and pus, (۵۷)
وَآخَرُ مِنْ شَكْلِهِ أَزْوَاجٌ
and other similar to it, joined together. (۵۸)
هَذَا فَوْجٌ مُقْتَحِمٌ مَعَكُمْ لَا مَرْحَبًا بِهِمْ إِنَّهُمْ صَالُو النَّارِ
(We shall say to their leaders): 'This is a troop rushing in with you, there is no welcome for them, they shall roast in the Fire. ' (۵۹)
قَالُوا بَلْ أَنْتُمْ لَا مَرْحَبًا بِكُمْ أَنْتُمْ قَدَّمْتُمُوهُ لَنَا فَبِئْسَ الْقَرَارُ
But they will say: 'No, it is you that has no welcome. It was you who brought it upon us, an evil place! ' (۶۰)