سوره ۱۶: النحل - جزء ۱۴ - ترجمه Shakir

وَقَالَ اللَّهُ لَا تَتَّخِذُوا إِلَهَيْنِ اثْنَيْنِ إِنَّمَا هُوَ إِلَهٌ وَاحِدٌ فَإِيَّايَ فَارْهَبُونِ ﴿۵۱﴾
And Allah has said: Take not two gods, He is only one Allah; so of Me alone should you be afraid (۵۱)
وَلَهُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَلَهُ الدِّينُ وَاصِبًا أَفَغَيْرَ اللَّهِ تَتَّقُونَ ﴿۵۲﴾
And whatever is in the heavens and the earth is His, and to Him should obedience be (rendered) constantly; will you then guard against other than (the punishment of) Allah? (۵۲)
وَمَا بِكُمْ مِنْ نِعْمَةٍ فَمِنَ اللَّهِ ثُمَّ إِذَا مَسَّكُمُ الضُّرُّ فَإِلَيْهِ تَجْأَرُونَ ﴿۵۳﴾
And whatever favor is (bestowed) on you it is from Allah; then when evil afflicts you, to Him do you cry for aid (۵۳)
ثُمَّ إِذَا كَشَفَ الضُّرَّ عَنْكُمْ إِذَا فَرِيقٌ مِنْكُمْ بِرَبِّهِمْ يُشْرِكُونَ ﴿۵۴﴾
Yet when He removes the evil from you, lo ! a party of you associate others with their Lord; (۵۴)
لِيَكْفُرُوا بِمَا آتَيْنَاهُمْ فَتَمَتَّعُوا فَسَوْفَ تَعْلَمُونَ ﴿۵۵﴾
So that they be ungrateful for what We have given them; then enjoy yourselves; for soon will you know (۵۵)
وَيَجْعَلُونَ لِمَا لَا يَعْلَمُونَ نَصِيبًا مِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ تَاللَّهِ لَتُسْأَلُنَّ عَمَّا كُنْتُمْ تَفْتَرُونَ ﴿۵۶﴾
And they set apart for what they do not know a portion of what We have given them. By Allah, you shall most certainly be questioned about that which you forged (۵۶)
وَيَجْعَلُونَ لِلَّهِ الْبَنَاتِ سُبْحَانَهُ وَلَهُمْ مَا يَشْتَهُونَ ﴿۵۷﴾
And they ascribe daughters to Allah, glory be to Him; and for themselves (they would have) what they desire (۵۷)
وَإِذَا بُشِّرَ أَحَدُهُمْ بِالْأُنْثَى ظَلَّ وَجْهُهُ مُسْوَدًّا وَهُوَ كَظِيمٌ ﴿۵۸﴾
And when a daughter is announced to one of them his face becomes black and he is full of wrath (۵۸)
يَتَوَارَى مِنَ الْقَوْمِ مِنْ سُوءِ مَا بُشِّرَ بِهِ أَيُمْسِكُهُ عَلَى هُونٍ أَمْ يَدُسُّهُ فِي التُّرَابِ أَلَا سَاءَ مَا يَحْكُمُونَ ﴿۵۹﴾
He hides himself from the people because of the evil of that which is announced to him. Shall he keep it with disgrace or bury it (alive) in the dust? Now surely evil is what they judge (۵۹)
لِلَّذِينَ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِالْآخِرَةِ مَثَلُ السَّوْءِ وَلِلَّهِ الْمَثَلُ الْأَعْلَى وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ ﴿۶۰﴾
For those who do not believe in the hereafter is an evil attribute, and Allah's is the loftiest attribute; and He is the Mighty, the Wise (۶۰)